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Become a local or national member to have valuable experiences, including community service trips, shadowing opportunities, and networking events. Explore the membership options below to learn how you can become an AMSA member!

National Membership

The National Membership requires you to first sign up on the National AMSA website found here. This membership option costs $75 for the duration of your premedical education.


Benefits included:​

  • You can list yourself as an AMSA member on resumes and official documents

  • 15% off Princeton Review Courses and 10% off Kaplan courses

  • Discounts at Barnes and Nobles

  • Access to all UCSD AMSA events

  • Assignment to a one of four "families" in UCSD AMSA

  • A UCSD AMSA T-Shirt

Beneficiary Membership

As an AMSA Beneficiary, you will not be affiliated with National AMSA. This membership option costs $25 per year and is better suited for people unsure of whether or not they want to commit to the $75 or for people who will be with UCSD AMSA for two or less year.


Benefits included:​

  • Access to all UCSD AMSA events

  • Assignment to one of four "families" in UCSD AMSA

  • A UCSD AMSA T-Shirt



  • At least 2 GBMs

  • 1 Community Service Event

  • 1 Fundraising Event

  • 2 Publicity Events

  • 1 Social Event

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about membership, please contact our Treasurer, Adrian Lee, at

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