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Join UC San Diego's Pre-Medical Community


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Whether it's developing the professional skills to prepare you for a career in medicine or health, making long-lasting friendships with fellow pre-med/pre-health undergraduate students, or discovering your interests in the field of healthcare, AMSA is here for you!



Become a local or national member to join community service trips, shadow medical professionals, attend networking events, join the Big-Little program, and more!


Hi Everyone! Welcome to the AMSA at UCSD website. We are so happy that you are here! My name is Sofia and I am honored to be serving as your President for this 2024-25 school year!

AMSA at UCSD is excited to continue supporting our pre-med and pre-health members with a variety of opportunities. We offer resume workshops, medical student panels, and an annual physician mixer to help you grow professionally. Our volunteering initiatives include (but not limited to) First Saturdays, where we aid the houseless in San Diego, and our annual Health Fair, where we educate underserved communities. But most importantly our club is not all about work but also socials! We have socials, like the annual bonfire, winter retreat, and spring banquet, that are a vital part of our club. We also have a Big Little Program for mentorship and forming lasting connections.


I joined AMSA in my second year, looking for a place to belong and feel welcomed. From the first GBM, I was hooked and started attending events regularly. I’ve made amazing friends who’ve supported and motivated me through the challenging pre-med journey and just life in general. Being part of a community that understands this path has been invaluable. The most important thing I’ve learned in AMSA is that everyone’s journey is unique, which has broadened my perspective on the opportunities ahead. My hope is that our members also discover new paths they haven’t considered before and find a space where they feel as welcome as I have. Be sure to check out our Meet the Board page to learn more about the amazing team behind AMSA!


Thank you for reading and we can’t wait to see you at our next event!

-Sofia Acosta, AMSA at UCSD President 2024-25

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